Physio Omega

By PhysioTru

Just two capsules in the morning with a meal and this next-generation blend of essential nutrients nourishes your cells, helping to protect your heart, increase your energy, and so much more.

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Could This Rare, Next-Generation Omega-3 Be The Missing Secret To More Energy… Longer Living…And Up To 10x Better Heart Health Protection?

Dear Reader,

The future just got a whole lot brighter, if you’re someone who wants to fully protect your heart health and feel decades younger in the process.

Here’s why:

Until recently, the only Omega-3’s we’ve been told about are called EPA and DHA. And while they are a great start, and certainly beneficial…

There Is A Third Omega-3 You’ve Been Missing Out On That Research Now Shows Is The Most Important!

Some of this research has shown this “missing omega” to be the most beneficial for reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. It’s also been shown to have a unique ability to help shut down excess inflammation in your body, which is a root cause of everything from heart disease, to increased body fat and a lack of energy, joint pain, brain fog, Alzheimer’s, and many other issues. It also helps protect your heart by fighting against the formation of deadly blood clots—a common cause of heart attack and stroke—…In fact…

Here’s What A Harvard Health Study Revealed About This Incredible Third Omega:

Researchers at Harvard University decided to take a closer look at the test results of more than 30,000 people. One of the goals was to see what separated those with healthy hearts and those at higher risk of a heart attack. After looking at the data, they discovered those who had increased amounts of “The Missing Omega” in their system, also had stronger, healthier hearts compared to those who did not. And if this wasn’t exciting enough…

A Major Japanese Study Confirmed “The Missing Omega” Is TEN TIMES More Effective At Protecting Against Clogged Arteries

As Dr. Alex Byelashov, a leading Omega-3 researcher, had to say: “[The Missing Omega] is, in my opinion, absolutely essential to anyone seeking to maintain the highest level of cardiovascular health and cognitive function.” So what’s the name of this new, next-generation Omega-3? It’s called docosapentaenoic acid, or, “DPA” for short. And to top off the benefits we’ve already covered…

What Else Is Possible When You Combine The Missing Omega To Give Your Body All Three Of The Omegas It Needs?

Simply put, you begin to unlock all the benefits no mediocre formula can provide. Maintaining HEALTHY blood pressure becomes easier...Poor blood pressure can affect your energy levels and sex life. Getting all three omegas also helps you maintain your triglyceride levels.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, if your triglyceride levels get too high, it can lead to metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome and poor triglyceride levels then add to your risk of a heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. And people who have metabolic syndrome also tend to struggle with being overweight and getting rid of unwanted body fat. Another benefit of having all three Omegas on your side, is promoting healthier blood sugar and insulin function.

On top of putting you at risk of diabetes...High blood sugar levels force your heart to work overtime by making it harder for blood vessels to dilate—meaning less oxygen and blood flow to your heart. And that’s obviously bad news if you’re worried about a heart attack. By keeping blood sugar in check, you’re also less likely to have unwanted cravings. This means your eating habits naturally improve, which can have a huge long-term impact on your heart, weight, and overall health. And speaking of weight…

Ever Feel “Fat” And Fed Up With Unwanted Pounds?

Over 48 Studies Have Revealed A Weird Connection To Weight Loss And Omega-3’s You might be surprised to find that numerous studies, such as those published by the International Journal of Obesity, The Nutrition Obesity Research Center, and other reputable sources...have all found that a higher intake of all the Omega-3’s your body needs, is associated with less belly fat, leaner muscle mass, and easier weight loss. They also found the opposite is true, meaning that not getting enough of all the Omega-3’s your body needs is found to be linked to higher levels of body fat in the patients they analyzed. Many other studies have confirmed this, noting that simply supplementing with Omega-3’s has been shown to be an effective way to promote weight loss and fat loss…especially around the belly.

The Obvious Question: Can This Benefit You?

How long it takes to start noticing improvements like this will be different for everyone...But I can tell you first-hand that when patients of mine start taking a high-quality Omega-3 combo like this...there are both immediate and long-term benefits that are pretty astonishing.

Within a week or even a few days, most report experiencing a much-needed dramatic improvement in their day-to-day energy levels. Then, as the amounts of these Omegas build in their bodies, I have a lot of patients who tell me they have less cravings for foods they used to find irresistible. Instead of giving in to late-night kitchen raids, I can't tell you how many times I've heard them tell me they suddenly realized that they had less desire to eat as much as they used to.

It's kind of like the minute hand on a clock:

It's not an immediate change, but it's steady - usually after a couple weeks is when you may begin to notice. And when it does happen, you'll see and feel it in the form of better looking skin, no more sluggishness, or a shrinking waistline - perhaps even all of the above.

Finally, there's the follow-up appointments...It depends on each patient...But I've seen triglyceride levels get slashed in half...Blood sugar and cholesterol levels plummet down to normal levels...And blood pressure numbers start to normalize for the first time in years...And of course, all these things are good news for anyone, but especially those looking to protect their heart...

Why You Won’t Find “The Missing Omega”, Combined With Everything Else You Need In The Right Dose And Purity…Anywhere Else

There are actually two reasons:

1. Although DPA is shaping up to be the most important Omega-3 ever discovered, it is still less-known, compared to EPA and DHA. Most Omega-3 manufacturers don’t even know it exists, and even mainstream medicine hasn’t fully caught on to the remarkable benefits of DPA.

2. Compared to other Omegas, DPA is extremely rare. Only a limited amount is available at any given time throughout the year. That’s because, hands down, the best source for DPA is wild-caught Menhaden fish. And to keep things sustainable, only a certain amount of Menhaden are allowed to be caught each year. These fish are small and bony, so they aren’t great for eating. But they’re the most abundant source in the world when it comes to DPA. And since they are caught in the clean, federally regulated waters of the Chesapeake Bay—combined with the type of diet they have—they don’t contain harmful levels of contaminants that are so common in other fish and fish oils (ex. mercury, PCB’s, etc.). As a result, most Omega-3 makers don’t want the hefty expense of adding it…assuming they could get their hands on it to begin with.

Introducing PhysioTru’s Latest Nutritional

Breakthrough: Physio Omega

Every capsule of Physio Omega is produced right here in The United States in a clean, FDA-approved, temperature-controlled facility…

And we’re confident you’ll agree it’s the absolute best source of all three Omegas and their benefits, compared to anything else on the market today. After all, no other Omega-3 formula I’ve ever seen during all my years as a practicing physician can check all the boxes:

  • Molecularly distilled to the highest possible purity
  • 100% American Made
  • Contains ALL THREE Omegas, including The Missing Omega: DPA
  • In triglyceride form for maximum absorption.
  • Amazing Customer Testimonials

Try Physio Omega

For Yourself With ZERO Risk

Try it for yourself and if you don’t see and feel the difference, you’re 100% protected by our 60-day, money-back guarantee. You have nothing to risk.

QUESTIONS? Call (888)-332-9372

How Fast Will I See Results?

And just to show you we’re not being biased…Here’s What Others Are Saying About Physio Omega:

"I seem to have more energy, and my blood pressure is now staying around normal for me!"* Rebecca Cate

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"More I can do! My most noticeable result has been increased energy and this will lead to more improvements as I feel ready to DO more already."* Jerry Johnson

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"Overall health has improved. I have certainly noticed a drop in my bodyweight. Also a shift in my energy ... Less daily tiredness. More restful sleep ... A greater stability in diet. Don't need to graze so much. Thanks!"* Brian Cox

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And Pure





How Incredible Is THAT?

It’s just science, really. Once you start taking your own fresh supply of Physio Omega, you’ll begin to see for yourself what's possible. And benefitting couldn’t be easier:

Just take two easy-to-swallow gel capsules of Physio Omega with a glass of water, in the morning. Then let The Missing Omega and proven science do the rest FOR you.

Imagine having more youthful energy to carry you through each day, without needing a nap or a jittery jolt of caffeine to keep you awake...

Imagine strutting into your doctor's office, and watching the look on his face as you ace your checkup with flying colors...Imagine how great you'll feel being able to maintain healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels... not to mention the peace of mind that gives you when it comes to lowering your risk of having a potentially fatal heart attack. Plus, imagine the added benefits of maintaining a healthy brain, pain-free joints, better mood and mental well-being, and all the other proven benefits getting ALL THREE Omegas can give you.

Now, you can...

Try Physio Omega At A MASSIVE Discount, RISK-FREE For An Entire 60 Days:

Normally, something of this quality and purity - especially when you've added The Missing Omega: DPA - could easily retail for $97. However, today you can get Physio Omega at a MASSIVE discount, because for a limited time...We're offering several money-saving packages of Physio Omega, so you can try it for yourself for as little as $67... plus FREE shipping.

And rest assured: Every bottle of Physio Omega that you order, along with any other PhysioTru product today, is completely protected by our...

Our incredible physicians know not all nutritional products work for all people, so your purchase always comes with an Iron-Clad 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% thrilled with results you can see, feel, and test with your doctor, simply contact our world-class customer support team and they’ll take great care of you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: "How Many Bottles Should I Order?"

There are several options you can choose from, but the majority of Physio Omega customers choose to maximize their savings by choosing the heavily discounted 8-bottle promotion when available. This saves you the hassle of re-ordering often and allows you to take advantage of the absolute lowest price today, and be grandfathered into this price for any time you order more in the future.

Q: "What's In Physio Omega?"

Physio Omega is a formula in a class of its own because it contains a COMPLETE blend of the two most popular Omegas (EPA and DHA), along with "The Missing Omega" (DPA), each in triglyceride form for maximum absorption and maximum heart, energy, and health benefits. We've developed Physio Omega to have exactly the right amount of each ingredient in them to work together to guarantee you get the best results possible. On top of 280mg of EPA and 240mg of DHA, we've maxed out our DHA at 60mg because DPA is super-concentrated and able to make EPA and DHA more bioavailable in your body, so a little goes a long way.

Q: "How Do I Take Physio Omega?"

For best results, we suggest taking two Physio Omega gel capsules in the morning with a glass of water. The reason we suggest the morning is that although Physio Omega contains no caffeine or stimulants, many of our customers report having a natural boost in their energy levels, so taking it the morning guarantees you won’t forget and helps perk up your energy for the day. How Long Until I See And Feel Results? As a physician, I can tell you that you may see an increase in energy and less cravings within the first day or two.

However, despite being a powerful formula that includes The Missing Omega, as with anything else, the more consistent you are with taking this formula, the better results you will see and feel. In my medical opinion, after three to four weeks, you should begin experiencing the maximum heart health support and benefits of taking Physio Omega, if you take the product each day. If you happen to miss a day, just continue as normal the next day.

Q: "What If It Doesn’t Work For Me? Is There A Guarantee?"

As a doctor, I understand that we are all unique when it comes to how our bodies can react to the same ingredients. So even though everyone can benefit from The Missing Omega and other Omegas found in Physio Omega, it’s true that results can vary. So, if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, I’ll promptly return your money, hassle-free…guaranteed. Remember: You’re protected with our 60 day, money-back guarantee!

Q: "Is My Order Secure?"

Absolutely! We use advanced 256-bit encryption to process each order. When you place your order, all of the information (including your name, address, and credit/debit card details) is sent through a secure server to keep your personal data safe. If you prefer to order by phone, you can do so by using the phone number provided at the top of this page.